Tools for EnOcean protocol
- ERP: EnOcean Radio Protol : https://www.**enocean**.com/erp2/
- ESP: EnOcean Serial Protocol :
- EEP: EnOcean Equipment Prifile :
Copyright 2015 Kazutaka Ogaki
Licensed under the MIT License
go run mqttworker.go loop --host broker.hostname --sub 'prefix/enoceangateway/topic' --pub 'prefix/worker/enocean/publish'
sample outputs
INFO[0000] Broker URI: tcp://broker.hostname
INFO[0000] Sub Topic: prefix/enoceangateway/topic
INFO[0000] Pub Topic: prefix/worker/enocean/publish
INFO[0000] connecting...
INFO[0000] client connected
INFO[0038] topic:prefix/enoceangateway/topic msg:U
{"RawData": "{165 0 0 0 false [4 0 79 66] [] [0 0 50 8] 61}", "TeachIn": false, "manufactuererId": "MANUFACTURER_RESERVED", "temperature": 32}
INFO[0038] published: %v, to topic: %v{"RawData": "{165 0 0 0 false [4 0 79 66] [] [0 0 50 8] 61}", "TeachIn": false, "manufactuererId": "MANUFACTURER_RESERVED", "temperature": 32}prefix/worker/enocean/publish
^Csignal: interrupt
subscriber output
$ mosqutto_sub -t "#" -d
Client mosqsub/hostname received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'prefix/worker/enocean/publish', ... (142 bytes))
{"RawData": "{165 0 0 0 false [4 0 79 66] [] [0 0 50 8] 61}", "TeachIn": false, "manufactuererId": "MANUFACTURER_RESERVED", "temperature": 32}