
Write How to organize Visual Studio 2013 Solution to create Umbraco addons

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Write How to organize Visual Studio 2013 Solution to create Umbraco addons

Thinking this could go in Appendix C and include items such as:

  • Show Solution setup
  • Where to put source
  • Where to put .gitignore (and include a sample .gitignore) and explain what should not go into source control
  • Where to put projects (and show multiple projects in one solution)
  • Where to put dll's installed from the built-in package manager
  • Where to put non-.NET items like gruntfile.js


sorry, I made a mistake. I would know how to organize a Vs2013 solution to build a web app on Umbraco...-:)

I'll write this one up in the near future.

Have you some guidelines? There are a lots metods, but any official guide how to organize the solution. Which type of project will be where I'll add custom controllers, views, etc? And for backoffice api?

Hopefully you find this helpful. Let me know if it needs more.