Add security bit
kgiszewski opened this issue · 8 comments
Strip headers/add misleading headers
Rewrite /umbraco to something else
Use ssl
use request forgery validation on forms
Deny iframe by header xframe options
Xss and inline
upgrade often
Based on @CGaskell 's cg15 presentation
Sanitize input
social engineering
server side sanitizing and model validation
Sql injection
Hey Kevin, I'm happy to take the chapter if you like and type it up. Although it sounds like you may be more qualified!
Please write it if you could please! I curate all sumissions for formatting and structure so expect me to edit some items after you send a PR. Thanks!
Add a new chapter for this btw.
@CGaskell Still have the time for this? If not, I can get something written up.
I'm struggling right now Kevin (still haven't got round to blogging about the talk!) I will have some time in a month or so if you'd like me to pick it up then?
Sounds good 👍