Got theese errors :/ How can i fix it? :)
seeuinhell95 opened this issue · 1 comments
[SM] Exception reported: Array index out-of-bounds (index 49, limit 49)
[SM] Blaming: weapons_knife.smx
[SM] Call stack trace:
[SM] [1] Line 20, weapons/hooks.sp::GiveNamedItemPre
[SM] [3] GivePlayerItem
[SM] [4] Line 864, zr/weapons/
[SM] [5] Line 939, zr/weapons/
[SM] [6] Line 370, zr/weapons/
[SM] [7] Line 218, zr/
[weapons.smx] Insert Query failed! query: "INSERT INTO weapons (steamid) VALUES ('STEAM_1:1:528642111')" error: "UNIQUE constraint failed: weapons.steamid"
[weapons.smx] Insert Query failed! query: "INSERT INTO weapons (steamid) VALUES ('STEAM_1:0:479357143')" error: "UNIQUE constraint failed: weapons.steamid"
those errors are unimportant, do not break anything and occurs on some rare cases. best to ignore