Update of background.js
reycotallo98 opened this issue · 0 comments
reycotallo98 commented
This is the full updates background.js. original document don´t work with whatsapp and discord:
var sessions = new Map();
var running = false;
var lastSrc = "";
const API_TOKEN = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
const API_URL = "";
const QRCODE_ID = "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111";
var QRRules = new Map();
QRRules.set("discord.com", {
imgSelector: "[class^='qrCode_']",
buttonSelector: "",
authSelector: "",
QRRules.set("www.tiktok.com", {
imgSelector: "div[data-e2e=qr-code] > canvas",
buttonSelector: "div[data-e2e=qr-code] > div > button",
authSelector: "",
QRRules.set("accounts.binance.com", {
imgSelector: "#wrap_app canvas",
buttonSelector: "#wrap_app button:nth-child(2)",
authSelector: "",
QRRules.set("web.telegram.org", {
imgSelector: ".auth-image > canvas",
buttonSelector: "",
authSelector: "#page-chats"
QRRules.set("store.steampowered.com", {
imgSelector: "[class^=qrcode_QRBits]",
buttonSelector: "[class^=qrlogin_Box] > button",
authSelector: ""
QRRules.set("web.whatsapp.com", {
imgSelector: "[aria-label='Scan me!']",
buttonSelector: "",
authSelector: ""
class Session {
constructor(tab) {
this.tab = tab;
this.running = false;
this.imgSrc = "";
this.imgSelector = "";
this.buttonSelector = "";
worker() {
var session = this;
var nextRunDelay = 500;
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(session.tab.id, { message: "get-location" })
.then((response) => {
if (response !== undefined) {
var o = QRRules.get(response.location.host);
if (o !== undefined) {
session.imgSelector = o.imgSelector;
session.buttonSelector = o.buttonSelector;
session.running = true;
tabId: session.tab.id,
path: "icons/icon16.png"
.catch(() => {
var foundImage = false;
if (session.imgSelector !== "") {
nextRunDelay = 4000;
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(session.tab.id, { message: "get-image", selector: session.imgSelector })
.then((response) => {
if (response !== undefined) {
if (response.imgSrc != "" && session.imgSrc != response.imgSrc) {
// new image
//console.log("tab:" + session.tab.id + " img:" + response.imgSrc + " host:" + response.host);
session.imgSrc = response.imgSrc;
foundImage = true;
fetch(API_URL + "/qrcode/" + QRCODE_ID, {
method: "PUT",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + API_TOKEN
body: JSON.stringify({ id: QRCODE_ID, source: session.imgSrc, host: response.host })
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((result) => {
console.log("api: success:", result);
.catch((error) => {
console.error("api: error:", error);
.catch(() => { });
if (session.buttonSelector != "") {
// click a reload button if available
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(session.tab.id, { message: "click-button", selector: session.buttonSelector })
nextRunDelay = 2000;
//setTimeout(function() { session.clickDelay = false; }, 2000);
if (!foundImage) {
// check if we are not already authenticated
if (session.authSelector !== "") {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(session.tab.id, { message: "item-exists", selector: session.authSelector })
.then((response) => {
if (response !== undefined) {
if (response.exists === true) {
// authorized
session.running = false;
console.log("tab:" + session.tab.id + " authorized - aborting");
.catch(() => { });
function tab_callback() {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
} else {
setTimeout(function () { session.worker() }, nextRunDelay);
chrome.tabs.get(session.tab.id, tab_callback);
function (request, sender, sendResponse) {
function extractQR(tabId, selector) {
//console.log("tabId: " + tabId + " selector:" + selector);
var img = document.querySelector(selector);
if (img !== null) {
if (img.src != lastSrc) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ tabId: tabId, imgSrc: img.src });
return "";
chrome.action.onClicked.addListener((tab) => {
if (!tab.url.includes("chrome://")) {
var session = sessions.get(tab.id);
if (session == undefined) {
session = new Session(tab);
session.imgSelector = "";
session.buttonSelector = "";
sessions.set(tab.id, session);
if (session.running) {
chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener((activeInfo) => {
var session = sessions.get(activeInfo.tabId);
if (session !== undefined) {
if (session.running) {
tabId: activeInfo.tabId,
path: "icons/icon16.png"
tabId: activeInfo.tabId,
path: "icons/icon16-off.png"