
Full stack web app starter template using React, ES6, CoffeeScript, Express, and more

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Full stack web app starter template with React 15, React Router, ES6 (via Babel), CoffeeScript, Express/Node.js, Semantic-UI, Gulp and more.


Getting Started

  1. Fork and/or clone
  2. Run npm install
  3. Start the dev server by running $(npm bin)/gulp
  4. Visit http://localhost:3000
  5. Get to work!

Languages / Frameworks / Libraries

  • Facebook's React for client side view and controller logic
  • React Router for client side routing
  • ES6 (via Babel)
  • CoffeeScript with React sugar (.cjsx)
  • Normalize-CSS for normalization of default element styles across browsers
  • Semantic-UI CSS framework
  • LESS for extended styling capabilities
  • Autoprefixer for automatic vendor prefixing
  • JQuery because semantic wants it (use React for most client side view rendering / manipulation)
  • Webpack for client side CommonJS modules and script concatenation
  • Express for server side logic
  • Gulp for building and change monitoring
  • LiveReload

Development Notes

  • Client side scripts are concatenated using Webpack. The main entry point is client.cjsx. From here you can require() other .cjsx, .coffee, .jsx, or .js files.
  • ES6 is supported in JS and JSX files; these are transpiled to ES5 via Babel. There's an example of this in src/header.jsx.
  • The main stylesheet entry point is styles.less.
  • The server entry point is server.coffee.


Install a live reload plugin for your browser (e.g. RemoteLiveReload for Chrome) to instantly see your changes in the browser when a client side file (cjsx/coffee/jsx/js/less/css/html) changes.

###License### MIT