
Control hypem.com via hotkeys using Alfred

Primary LanguageAppleScript

hypem-hotkey-controller Download 1.3.1

Control hypem.com via hotkeys using Alfred

  • This will allow you to pause/play, skip a track, go to the previous, heart (like) a track on hypem.com, and see if you've liked the current track that is playing - which will display true or false

  • This will not bring hypem.com to the forefront of your chrome browser, but will display a notification upon triggering.

  • There are no default hotkeys set so you can go crazy setting your own

  • This only supports Google Chrome currently, let me know if you want other browser support.

  • This is basically a port using focusatwill-in-google-chrome

  • You must allow in Chrome "Executing Javascript through Applescript": To turn it on, from the menu bar, go to View > Developer > Allow JavaScript from Apple Events