
AWS specific terraform module for ECS

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform ECS Provisioning


  • This module allows an ECS cluster and service to be spun up within a new VPC and served using a load balancer. You'll need to have a keypair (variable: aws_key_pair) and a profile set in your aws config (variable: aws_profile)
  • The entry point is main.tf and it processes the variables and goes through each module setting up what you need for the cluster.
  • All configuration is handled in the top level variables.tf file for organizational purposes and can be set via an *.tfvars file. An example app.tfvars file is included in this repo. Dynamically filled in variables are nested in the individual modules


  • To see how this would work without actually spinning anything up you can run:
# This only needs to be run once
terraform init

# This shows what would happen and applies the variables set in the app.tfvars file
terraform plan -var-file="app.tfvars"
  • To run:
terraform apply -var-file="app.tfvars"
  • To destroy
terraform destroy -var-file="app.tfvars"

Optional Params

  • There are some optional parameters the most notable are provided_vpc_id and provided_subnets. If you have an existing VPC set up and subets associated with it you can pass those in. Otherwise a new VPC and subnets will be created. If you have values for those variables set them in your custom tfvars file like so:
provided_vpc_id = "vpc-1a23b4cd"
provided_subnets = ["subnet-ab1c234d", "subnet-ab1c234e", "subnet-ab1c234f"]
  • Both must be provided if you want to set the variables. Otherwise the provisioning will fail.


  • I would recommend using something like Jenkins to deploy. You'll want to authenticate to aws and ecr, publish the built images to ECR then push a task definition
  • Part of this provisioning process pushes a task definition but that is meant to be replaced and that is just a placeholder

Additional Information
