- This module allows an ECS cluster and service to be spun up within a new VPC and served using a load balancer. You'll need to have a keypair (variable: aws_key_pair) and a profile set in your aws config (variable: aws_profile)
- The entry point is main.tf and it processes the variables and goes through each module setting up what you need for the cluster.
- All configuration is handled in the top level variables.tf file for
organizational purposes and can be set via an
file. An example app.tfvars file is included in this repo. Dynamically filled in variables are nested in the individual modules
- To see how this would work without actually spinning anything up you can run:
# This only needs to be run once
terraform init
# This shows what would happen and applies the variables set in the app.tfvars file
terraform plan -var-file="app.tfvars"
- To run:
terraform apply -var-file="app.tfvars"
- To destroy
terraform destroy -var-file="app.tfvars"
- There are some optional parameters the most notable are
. If you have an existing VPC set up and subets associated with it you can pass those in. Otherwise a new VPC and subnets will be created. If you have values for those variables set them in your customtfvars
file like so:
provided_vpc_id = "vpc-1a23b4cd"
provided_subnets = ["subnet-ab1c234d", "subnet-ab1c234e", "subnet-ab1c234f"]
- Both must be provided if you want to set the variables. Otherwise the provisioning will fail.
- I would recommend using something like Jenkins to deploy. You'll want to authenticate to aws and ecr, publish the built images to ECR then push a task definition
- Part of this provisioning process pushes a task definition but that is meant to be replaced and that is just a placeholder
- Terraform Docs
- Terraform tips & tricks: loops, if-statements, and gotchas
- Setup a container cluster on aws with terraform part 2-provision a cluster
- Provision ECS Cluster Terraform - "Shippable sample that demonstrates how to provision and deprovision a VPC on AWS using terraform CLI"
- infrastructure-as-code - "Sample code for the talk "Infrastructure-as-code: running microservices on AWS with Docker, ECS, and Terraform"
- koding/terraform - "ELB with stickiness Example"
- arminc/terraform-ecs - "AWS ECS terraform module"
- terraform-aws-ecs-cluster - "Terraform module for building an ECS cluster in AWS"