
Customizing the 1st column

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Thanks for the nice tree table.

It seems the first item found at each level is automatically put in the 1st column.
If I put that item in the col_defs, the item then appears twice.

I can see that this is the case in your demo:
The col_defs only specifies the columns from the 2nd one "Description" and doesn't specify anything for the 1st column "Name"

So how can I customize the 1st column with a cellTemplate and a custom header?

Thank in advance

Ok, after some efforts I managed to find a work around.
It consists in customizing the default template as follows.

<script type="text/ng-template" id="path/to/treegrid/template.html">
<div class="table-responsive">
   <table class="table tree-grid">
           <th>{{expandingProperty.displayName || expandingProperty.field || expandingProperty}}</th>
           <th ng-repeat="col in colDefinitions"> {{col.displayName || col.field}}</th>
       <tr ng-repeat="row in tree_rows | filter:{visible:true} track by row.branch.uid"
         ng-class="'level-' + {{ row.level }} + (row.branch.selected ? ' active':'')" class="tree-grid-row">
           <a ng-click="user_clicks_branch(row.branch)"><i ng-class="row.tree_icon"
                  ng-click="row.branch.expanded = !row.branch.expanded"
                  class="indented tree-icon"></i>
           <span ng-if="expandingProperty.cellTemplate" class="indented tree-label" ng-click="on_user_click(row.branch)"  compile="expandingProperty.cellTemplate">
           <span ng-if="!expandingProperty.cellTemplate" class="indented tree-label" ng-click="on_user_click(row.branch)">
                 {{row.branch[expandingProperty.field] || row.branch[expandingProperty]}}
         <td ng-repeat="col in colDefinitions" style="width:100px;">
           <div ng-if="col.cellTemplate" compile="col.cellTemplate"></div>
           <div ng-if="!col.cellTemplate">{{row.branch[col.field]}}</div>

This needs to be added in the HTML and in the tree-grid set the template-url like this:

<tree-grid ng-show="tree_file" tree-data="tree_file" col-defs="col_defs_files"

The 1st column is handled/customized by the expandingProperty while the others are handled by the colDefinitions (that wasn't obvious to me until I extracted the default template from the code).

Then here is what I have for the expandingProperty and colDefinitions:

$scope.expanding_property_files = {
      field: "Path",
      displayName: "Path",
      cellTemplate: "<span title='{{row.branch.RealPath}}' >{{ row.branch[expandingProperty.field] }}</span>"
$scope.col_defs_files = [
          field: "size",
          displayName: "Size",
          cellTemplate: "<span width='40' >{{ row.branch[col.field] }}</span>"
          field: "mtime",
          displayName: "Date"

Note that the expandingProperty default structure accepts field and displayName properties but not cellTemplate. (I needed to customize the template for that).

I have this issue too but the above solution did not work.

Actually I only needed to change the display name and it works as indicated in the documentation. Sest expandingProperty to an object instead of a string {field: 'fieldname', displayName: 'displayname'}

Hi all,

I got the same issue as the first column is repeating when configure it in column-def.

But we can solve this issue by using "expand-on" attribute in the element. Actually the author forgot to document "expand-on" in detail.

How to Fix - Step by step

  1. Create a scope object to hold custom property to first column
    $scope.expandingProperty = {};

  2. Assign required configuration to this object
    $scope.expandingProperty = {
    field: "Name",
    displayName: "Borrowers",
    filterable: true
    (in my case I want to change it's display name and make it searchable)

  3. Add attribute "expand-on" to your tree-grid element and assign it's value as your scope object which hold the properties for your first column ($scope.expandingProperty)

  4. That's all !!!

Note : Please do not add configuration of first column to "columnDefs". It will recreate your first column. Always specifies configuration of your first columns in "expand-on" object.

I think this will solve this issue.

Happy coding..... :)

I did as said at the second comment but it's not working. tree-grid doesn't show

I've incorporated the changes from this issue into the code, so that you can provide a cellTemplate to the expanding property column. This is available here now, and will be in the next releases to NPM and (hopefully) Bower. Closing this issue now.