Django Login and Registration


  • Log in
    • via username & password
    • via email & password
    • via email or username & password
    • with a remember me checkbox (optional)
  • Create an account
  • Log out
  • Profile activation via admin
  • Reset password
  • Remind a username
  • Resend an activation code
  • Change password
  • Change email
  • Change profile
  • Admin Dashboard


Clone the project

git clone
cd Django-Advanced-User-Authentication

Install dependencies & activate virtualenv

python -m venv myproject

pip install django
pip install django-bootstrap4

Apply migrations

python migrate


A development server

Just run this command:

python runserver

For User Signup

  • Go to signup link and create a account
  • Email goes to Admin with activation link (Currently email not working check emails folder)
  • Admin has to activate the account using activation link

For Admin Login

Go to URL:

And Login Using: username - admin Password - admin

  • Admin can view, Change, Delete, Change Permissions of user, Accept Request of user.
  • Admin can accept the invitation of user by checking the active checkbox in user in admin panel

For User Login

  • Go to login page to login
  • If Admin activates your account then you can login using email and password
  • Users can modify their profiles and change the email