
Dehashed Error - can only concactenate str (not "int") to str

S7ace opened this issue · 10 comments

S7ace commented

Issues not respecting the issue template will be closed without being read, thank you.


  • I have thoroughly checked the answer is not in the wiki.


  • h8mail version: 2.5.4
  • Python version: 3.9
  • Operating System: Debian


I've had the same Dehashed error for a long time, across multiple versions.

At the end of the search I get an error that says:

[!] Dehashed error with email
can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

What I Did

h8mail -t target .txt file -c h8mail_config.ini

Sp0Q1 commented

fixed the error in #110
But I'm not sure why Dehashed is returning a 403, this should not happen afaik.

Sp0Q1 commented

I just received a message from dehashed that they fixed this issue.


I got a similar issue I'll show you below:

h8mail -t -q -c h8mail_config.ini

[>] h8mail is up to date
[] Removing duplicates
[>] Targets:
[>] is up
] Target factory started for
[~] []>[dehashed]
[!] Dehashed error with
'total' it's just an example to write here.

S7ace commented

Hey, just an update to this one:

Still getting an error with the new 2.5.5.

[!] Dehashed error with joe.bloggs@joebloggs.blogs
can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

Also has been giving an error for the last month or so:

[~] is down, skipping

Happy to open a separate issue for that one if needs be.

Thanks for the work on the new Version :)

Ah shoot I though this got fixed but seems not. Thanks for the heads up.
Did you use any special query (-q) when executing h8mail with dehashed @S7ace ?


Edit: Also the scylla service is currently being fixed & scaled, so it should hopefully be back soon

S7ace commented

No nothing out of the usual Syntax:

h8mail -t target.txt -c h8mail-config.ini

And yeah I noticed that scylla is going through some changed so that's cool - want those password back!!

So it seems this error only happens when dehashed has no results for the targeted email. If dehashed does have data from the target, h8mail should work as intended.
This issue should be fixed in the next release

S7ace commented

Ok great.

On that note, just to make you aware I have use h8mail on a same set of targets that I have used directly with dehashed and have had no results in h8mail, when I have in dehashed.

Hopefully we're all good in the next release though!

+1 Looking forward for this fix!

So I am having this issue also. I have tried a domain that I know has compromises on dehashed. My errror output is:

[>] Found dehashed_email configuration key
[>] Found dehashed_key configuration key
[>] is up
[] Target factory started for REDACTED
[] [REDACTED]>[dehashed]
[!] Dehashed error with REDACTED
can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
[~] [REDACTED]>[]
[!] error: REDACTED
Expecting value: line 2 column 1 (char 1)

Good news is it isn't using api credits