
Add configurable delay on start of opentherm

Opened this issue · 1 comments

My bowler need small pause (about 1-2 seconds) to send ch enabe, temperature etc after an opetherm initialisation. Now I make it using delay in on_boot automation. Wait and set value that I need from saved globals

- delay: 2s
- lambda: |-
if( id(ch_sw_save) ) id(ch_sw).turn_on();
if( id(ch2_sw_save) ) id(ch2_sw).turn_on();
if( id(dhw_sw_save) ) id(dhw_sw).turn_on();

It's better to have simple init_delay settings in opentherm component

Sorry for the late answer, life's busy sometimes.

What happens if you don't add the delay? The settings such as CH enabled are send every 5 seconds and the various temperature setpoints every 2 seconds. So if the boiler is unresponsive after startup, I would guess it automatically corrects itself?