
Include dependency asciidoc

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It's likely not more than a footnote: I just realized that Fedora 19 and Debian Jessie do not have the asciidoc package installed by default and compiling MP3FS will fail with an "a2x missing" message for that reason. Adding the package to the README file may help people compiling MP3FS.

EDIT: Added Debian Jessie

Thanks for your comment. I actually wrote that file from the point of view of someone downloading a release tar file, which doesn't need asciidoc since it includes the compiled man page. Would you still like to see that note, saying that it's only needed when compiling directly from git?

It's just one short sentence and won't cause confusion so if it was up to me... - Yep, I think including that short note is a good idea.

Thanks a lot by the way for pointing out, this occurs just when compiling from GIT.

I put this into the INSTALL file, since that seemed to make the most sense. Let me know if this works for you, and sorry for the long wait.

yippieh yeah :-)