
Tiny JS library using bootstrap's popovers to help guide your users around your website

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Tiny JS library taking advantage of bootstrap's popover to help guide your users around. Demo

Latest update (2013/12/12)

Bootstro now supports bootstrap3. yay! No changes to code if you're using bootstrap 3. 1 line change if you still use bootstrap 2. Please have a look at the demo. Thanks a lot to Netsstea pull request to make this possible.

I removed bootstro.min.js from the repo for less trouble. Please minify bootstro yourself if you need to.


  • hopscotch by linkedin is a good alternative. It supports multi-page slideshows by writing stuff to localStorage/cookie
  • Change documentation to encourage making slideshow data from a JS variable or via ajax, rather than injecting data-bootstro-* attributes into HTML. Currenty bootstro.js already supports both methods but the documentation/demo page makes it sound like users should inject slideshow data into HTML. This is not only making HTML dirty but also causes bugs like this unmerged pull request
  • Supports multi-page slideshows like hopscotch
  • Make this project a proper test-driven JS library, like test cases, automatically minifying stuff...

Please log issues/comments/pull requests.


Bootstrap 2.3.1+. Bootstro supports both bootstrap 2 & 3


I'm not so much into markdown so please see Documentation on the demo page




Thanks a lot to those who have helped me (in no particular order)

Brian Glick

Sri Vishnu Totakura

Ed Menendez


Chance Ackley

Ivan Suftin

Tal Ater

Tal Ater

Silvio Moreto