
My own processor on C that has stack, RAM, and registers

Primary LanguageC++


Its my simple processor!

It consists of my assembler and my spu and can process many interesting codes!

You can see 3 example programs on my asm:

  1. quadratka.txt - code of quadratic solver
  2. circle.txt - code that draw circle in console
  3. factorial.txt - code of recursive factorial
  4. bad_apple.txt - code that draws BadApple movie in window with SDL

Running BadApple

Git have an edge of file with 100 MB, thats why you need to generate asm code for BadApple with hands(it costs 122 MB and have 10 million commands!)

  1. After installation you need to generate asm code and put it in main:
cd ./bad_apple
make start
make run
  1. You will have file bad_apple_asm.txt in ./bad_apple
  2. Change its name to input_text.txt and copy to main folder!
  3. Then start program with ./processor.bat bad_apple.txt

Possible Problems:

If running bad apple more than 10 sec - than check in main_hdr/arrays.h logs are turn off, turn off and recompile

Sanitizer of memory after BadApple is OK - it is problem in SDL

Warnings while compiling from sanitizer

Table of Contents


To start program you need to use CMake and run program

  1. Clone repository
  2. Compile CMake, write command in main directory in repo
  3. Run CMake (compile program), write command in main directory in repo
  4. Run program(before you need to create this file)
git clone https://github.com/khmelnitskiianton/Processor.git
cd ./Processor
cmake .
./processor.bat <name_of_file_where_read_code>

Extra programs

If you want to see BadApple movie, you need to install graphic lib - SDL/SDL2

sudo apt install libsdl2-dev -y


My program took code on my asm from text file.

In processor I have stack, registers(rax - rex), RAM

After functions that consist of 1 word, dont write any spaces/comments! (it is feature)
In another cases, you can write comments after ; with any spaces

Functions: (in main_hdr/commands.h)


  • push <number> - push number in stack
  • push <reg> - push value from register to stack
  • push <reg> + number - push value from register to stack
  • push [number] - push number from RAM with index = number to stack
  • push [<reg>] - push number from RAM with index = value in register to stack
  • push [<reg> + number] - push number from RAM with index = (value in register + number) to stack


  • pop <reg> - push number from stack(last ofc) to register
  • pop [number] - push number from stack to RAM with index = number
  • pop [<reg>] - push number from stack to RAM with index = value in register
  • pop [<reg> + number] - push number from stack to RAM with index = (value in register + number)

arifmethic operations

  • div - take 2 numbers from stack and push there division to stack
  • add - take 2 numbers from stack and push there sum to stack
  • mul - take 2 numbers from stack and push there multipling to stack
  • sub - take 2 numbers from stack and push there subtract to stack
  • sqrt - take number from stack and push its square to stack
  • cos - take number from stack and push its cosinus to stack
  • sin - take number from stack and push its sinus to stack

base operations

  • in - ask to enter from console number
  • out - take number from stack and print it to console
  • outc - take number from stack and print it char equivalent to console
  • draw - printing with SDL
  • drawf - printing RAM(actually for drawing circle)
  • hlt - end of code!

labels,jumps and functions

  • <name_of_label>: - put label to jump


  • jmp <name_of_label> - command that jump your position to indicated label
  • ja <name_of_label> - takes 2 numbers from stack, compares it, and if (last above last_sec) jump your position to indicated label
  • jae <name_of_label> - takes 2 numbers from stack, compares it, and if (last above or equal last_sec) jump your position to indicated label
  • jb <name_of_label> - takes 2 numbers from stack, compares it, and if (last below last_sec) jump your position to indicated label
  • jbe <name_of_label> - takes 2 numbers from stack, compares it, and if (last below or equal last_sec) jump your position to indicated label
  • jne <name_of_label> - takes 2 numbers from stack, compares it, and if (last not equal last_sec) jump your position to indicated label


  • call <name_of_label> - go to label and do code before ret (like function!)
  • ret - stopper for call in label use in pair!

Options of compiling





For debugging I use listing.txt - printing asm

For debugging I use log.txt - printing cpu