
Compile warning triggerd by improper commenting in ESP32_New_TimerInterrupt.h

PD5DJ opened this issue · 2 comments

PD5DJ commented

In file ESP32_New_TimerInterrupt.h

There are comments started with /* but never closed properly.
Even though they are already commented with more lines.


Fixed with:


Hi @Hobby4life

Thanks for pointing out the issue. I've already fixed similar issue last week for ESP32_New_ISR_Servo library, etc., and plan to spend some time to correct this issue within this week.

Looking forward to your new contribution,


Hi @Hobby4life

The ESP32_New_TimerInterrupt v1.3.0 has just been released to fix the issue you mentioned.

Thanks and Regards,

Releases v1.3.0

  1. Suppress errors and warnings for new ESP32 core v2.0.4+