
WiFi.h missing

xavier862 opened this issue · 4 comments

I just imported the WiFiWebServer_RTL8720 project to PlatformIO, which immediately complained that WiFi.h could not be found.
As I read in WiFiWebServer_RTL8720.h a #warning Use WiFi.h from WiFiWebServer_RTL8720, I did not attempt to get and use this one: Seeed_Arduino_rpcWiFi/WiFi.h. Should I try it?

Thanks for help !


Thanks for your interest in and opening an issue for this library.

As you know, this library depends on AmebaD core as specified in Prerequisites.

WiFi.h is part of WiFi library provided by the AmebaD core . Don't use Seeed_Arduino_rpcWiFi library.

You have to install that core in PIO, which, I know, is not supporting the AmebaD core yet. Please post on PIO forum to ask for help as necessary.

If you don't have good experience with PIO and still have issue with it, try Arduino IDE first, by following the instructions in How to add realtek ameba core files.

Then moving forward to PIO when AmebaD core is already supported and after testing everything is OK.

Good Luck,

Hi @xavier862

Just created and published a new FlashStorage_RTL8720 library for Realtek RTL8720DN, etc. boards.

With this persistent FlashStorage, I'll move on to create new libraries, similar to WiFiManager_Generic_Lite, ESP_WiFiManager_Lite to permit you to store Credentials (WiFi SSID, Password, data, etc.) onto FlashStorage.

Please test, use and report any error / enhancement request there.



Hi khoih-prog,
Thanks for this. I'll give it a try, as soon as I am up and running with the RTL8270DN environment (not as user-friendly as ESP32, unfortunately...)
I keep you posted.

The main reason anyone uses RTL8720DN(BW16) is its support of 5GHz WiFi band, instead of the over-crowded 2.4GHz band.
This trend will be much more popular in the near future.

Have a look at New and Modified Libraries to support Realtek RTL8720DN(BW16), RTL8722DM and RTL8722CSM for the latest updated list.

Some more links to help getting started here

  1. Getting Started with RTL8720DN BW16 Development Board
  2. BW16-RTL8720DN-Module-Arduino

Good Luck,