
XamlParseException Error running sample

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When i try and run the WPF example, the MainWindow.xaml.vb New() method InitializeComponent() call generates the following error:

'The invocation of the constructor on type 'AwesomiumSharp.Windows.Controls.WebControl' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception.' Line number '140' and line position '17'.

I had to remove a number of XCOPY commands in the most-build action. maybe there two things are related?


Unless you are using a different method to ensure that all necessary dependencies are deployed in your output directory, then they are related.

If you do not want to use Build Events (and XCOPY), then please follow the steps described under:

  • Adding AwesomiumSharp to a Project
  • Adding Awesomium files to a Project

In this article: Getting Started with AwesomiumSharp

Also, you have better chances to get support, in our Support Forums.


thanks for all the links. I'm making more progress (reading the instructions helped). still have not quite got the examples to run. it might have something to do with proxy settings on the corp computers. I'll check out the article and the support forums.