
Auto-Import Social Networks

Opened this issue · 2 comments

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My great idea for Fraidycat is:
I want to be able authorize all my accounts and then receive daily updates:

  • new messages in Telegram - both personal and group tagged - combined in single text thread
  • new stories and posts from accounts I am following in Instagram - all combined into single video
  • new videos from people I follow on youtube - downloaded locally

I want to be connected to my friends and creations of people I admire, but this desire is being exploited by social networks bombarding me with irrelevant outdated content. I hope this tool will help me to break free.

@7flash Thank you - wonderful idea! I would love for Fraidycat to reach this level of automation. However, this is a big task to undertake and I will need help to accomplish it.


  • We would need a tool like Fraidyscrape (which turns social media feeds into RSS) but which can turn your account follows into Fraidycat follows.
  • Some way of keeping this list synchronized - similar to the sync code currently used between Fraidycat extensions.
  • Somehow integrating our categorization methods.

This also feels related to #21 - in that it's another way of importing and syncing multiple feeds at once. (I might want to group all of my Facebook follows under one entry - rather than filling up my Fraidycat with hundreds of different follows.)