[Bug] Deferred error Oauth2-auto: Unknown Provider
wakatara opened this issue · 5 comments
I've used org-gcal in the past and returned to using emacs org-mode after some time. I am trying to get org-gcal to pull my calendar but am getting a deferred error : (error: "oauth2 - auto: Unknown provider: org-gcal
when I initiate the org-gcal-fetch
command for the first time.
(I named the google GCP project org-gcal
just to avoid confusion )
I believe I've followed all the setup instructions correctly - consent screen, (not the first time and created a new project for it and went step by step through the list in the readme.
I do note a change was made last month adding in ouath2-auth so just wondering it's something to do with that.
My setup in case people think it is something to do with that (disabled auto-fetch and sync etc on launch):
(use-package org-gcal
:straight t
(setq org-gcal-client-id "<redacted>"
org-gcal-client-secret "<redacted>"
org-gcal-file-alist '( ("xxxx@xxxxxxx.com" . "~/Documents/org/logs/calw.org")
;; (add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook (lambda () (org-gcal-fetch) ))
;; (add-hook 'org-capture-after-finalize-hook (lambda () (org-gcal-sync) ))
(setq plstore-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t)
Any ideas?
I see the same.
The "oauth2 - auto: Unknown provider: org-gcal"
error goes away after M-x org-gcal-reload-client-id-secret
, but then I see the behavior reported in this comment: #213 (comment)
I get the passphrase prompt, but Emacs freezes after selecting y/n on Buffer plstore /Users/till/.emacs.d/oauth2-auto.plist modified; kill anyway? (y or n)
FWIW, I'm also encountering this problem, but M-x org-gcal-reload-client-id-secret
fixes it without causing the issue in the comment @mpereira references (or causing any other problems).
For me M-x org-gcal-reload-client-id-secret
didn't help. Emacs starts freezing after that
FWIW, I'm also encountering this problem, but
M-x org-gcal-reload-client-id-secret
fixes it without causing the issue in the comment @mpereira references (or causing any other problems).
But do you already have an existing client-id-secret (in other words, a previously working install?).
I just rebuilt org-gcal completely and I now seem to have it working though it did need to nuke the plstore. I am just going to use it for pull (rather than push) events, but for whatever reason, 29.0.60 upgrade seemed to help this (or I somehow had an older package that did not get rebuilt.).
Thanks as always for the hard work of the devs working on this. It does seem a bit magic to have gcal in my emacs. =]