
[Discussion] AI: Homing missile

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Nice tutorial, however I had a hard time understanding what’s going on with transforms in relation to muzzle and missile, before reading the TRANSFORMS. As a lot of things happen under the hood and apparently the Matrices and transforms and Vector math sections of Godot’s official documentation were not enough for this. So please add a field in Related Recipes to point out to the TRANSFORMS.

I'm sorry you had a problem with the official docs. Adding the related link is a good idea, I will do that. Thanks for the suggestion.

I do appreciate how the Kidscancode’s tutorials are short and at the same time add something new to the official Docs. As the official ones are so instructive, but are not expected to cover everything, as they should be kept general. But in this case, I just think of them missing some important and basic lines like

transform.origin is equal to the object’s position vector

to be as comprehensive as a reference. Btw, I really appreciate your hard work on docs too.

I'd love to know how you added the extra wavy-ness to the travel paths in the extra effects part. In the video on the page you take the plane on a straight away and the missiles keep bouncing around. I've tried introducing a varying target number, but can't quit seem to get the same effect.

Thanks for the perfect tutorial !
Though , I find replacing
velocity = velocity.clamped(speed)
velocity = velocity.normalized() * speed
will make a more realistic homming missle effect

Probably a stupid question, but where is the wavy-ness coming from? I don't want it in my game, or I need to at least dampen it. I need the projectiles to "fly" smoothly once they,re on the right path.

Great tutorials! My son and I refer to the mall the time.