
Distinguish between active/inactive windows

AmaiKinono opened this issue · 3 comments

Here's my little hack:

(define-advice mini-modeline-enable (:after (&rest _) set-modeline-color)
    "Make modelines thin, and set different color for active/inactive ones.
By doing so, we can easily distinguish between active/inactive

We do nothing for Emacs in terminal. This is because a thin
modeline is impossible in terminal, so we just hide it."
    (when (display-graphic-p)
      ;; `mode-line-format' can't be empty, or modeline will not show.
      (setq-default mode-line-format '(" "))
      (mapc (lambda (buf)
              (unless (string-prefix-p " " (buffer-name buf))
                (with-current-buffer buf
                  (setq mode-line-format " "))))
      (face-spec-set 'mode-line
                     '((((background light))
                        :height 0.14 :box nil
                        :background "#55ced1")
                        :height 0.14 :box nil
                        :background "#008b8b")))
      (face-spec-set 'mode-line-inactive
                     '((((background light))
                        :height 0.1 :box nil
                        :background "#dddddd")
                        :height 0.1 :box nil
                        :background "#333333")))))

It shows the modeline as a thin bar, and use their height and color to distinguish between active/inactive windows, like this:


I'm not sure if you like it. If you do like it, I can create a PR ;)

This is awesome. Please create a PR for it.

It looks better than hiwin!

This is definitely deserve to be on PR gif 😄