
Classification of chest X-ray images using CNN

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

COVID-19 Chest X-ray Classification

This repository contains a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for classifying chest X-ray images into three categories: COVID-19, Normal, and Pneumonia.


The dataset used for training and evaluation consists of chest X-ray images collected from various sources. It includes images of patients diagnosed with COVID-19, as well as images of patients with normal chest conditions and those diagnosed with pneumonia.

CNN Architecture

The CNN architecture used for classification is as follows:

  • Input shape: (224, 224, 3)
  • Convolutional Layer 1: 64 filters, kernel size (3,3), ReLU activation
  • MaxPooling Layer 1
  • Convolutional Layer 2: 128 filters, kernel size (3,3), ReLU activation
  • MaxPooling Layer 2
  • Dropout Layer (20% dropout rate)
  • Convolutional Layer 3: 256 filters, kernel size (3,3), ReLU activation
  • MaxPooling Layer 3
  • Dropout Layer (20% dropout rate)
  • Convolutional Layer 4: 512 filters, kernel size (3,3), ReLU activation
  • MaxPooling Layer 4
  • Dropout Layer (20% dropout rate)
  • Flatten Layer
  • Fully Connected Layer 1: 512 units, ReLU activation
  • Dropout Layer (15% dropout rate)
  • Output Layer: 3 units with softmax activation (for multi-class classification)


After training the model, the performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score are computed and reported. Additionally, confusion matrices and classification reports are generated for further analysis.

Sample Predictions

Here are some sample predictions made by the trained model:

COVID-19 X-ray Prediction: COVID-19

Normal X-ray Prediction: Normal

Pneumonia X-ray Prediction: Pneumonia


This project demonstrates the effectiveness of CNNs in classifying chest X-ray images for COVID-19 diagnosis. Further improvements and optimizations can be explored to enhance the model's performance.

For any inquiries or suggestions, feel free to contact the project maintainers.