
Log could not be written

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I didnt know to run as admin and had issues viewing the log. I suspect it couldn't write the file. In this case, then a message on the screen would have helped.

What version of Windows are you running on?

It should be saving all this in the AppData folder for your user. The only part that needs escalation is the driver verify/fix portion, but it auto-escalates.

Windows 10.

Perhaps it is all related to my other issues I have. I couldnt compile anything outside of the initial firmware. There are no logs to tell me what the problem is. I have checked the App data folder where the cache is created and it only creates an empty folder. The problem is the same on my mac.

I am going back and adding things one by one and seems like animations are still way buggy. If somethng is wrong with the animations, then no errors get logged.

Tracking this down and it seems the backend is returning success on failure, and it's failing on a zip extraction where it expects the bin file to be. This is probably the problem with both issues. I'm going to add an issue for error surfacing in this scenario -- though there really isn't much a user can do when this kind of thing happens, but at least it will make some sense.

One last thing. I found the problem I was having in the first place. I was adding layer one toggle to the first layer on mistake. When you do that it will corrupt the json and the layout. This also causes the logging not to work.