Trying to run Liveportrait on an old laptop
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Hi, I have an old laptop. Only 6 gig of vram & 16gig of ram. Running Liveportrait vid 2 vid in Comfyui is posing a problem.
I can run Liveportrait in Pinokio which somehow reduces the reference video to 1/3 the size without sacrificing quality, but they use a square mask with messes with the hair & shoulders.
So I found the mask in Pinokio's Liveportrait and created my own round one but it didn't work.
I then checked the custom nodes posted here and couldn't find a round mask to use.
Does the node modify the original mask? Is that why I can't find a round one?
I guess what I'm asking is if there's any way to get Liveportrait running in Pinokio to use a round mask?
If not, is there any way I can get this to run in Comfyui using less Ram?
For the record, I tried reducing the size of the reference video but the quality of the reference video was bad and I couldn't get it back running it through the "Upscale by Model" nodes. So that doesn't seem to be an option.
Thanks in advance.