
Can you please make metatables output optionally disablable?

lua-rocks opened this issue · 5 comments

I know that I can just remove metatables from output using process option, but I don't want to, because __tostring comments are cool and very helpful:


But at the same time I don't want to see this:


Thank you!

from factorio stdlib

local function no_meta(item, path)
    if path[#path] == inspect.METATABLE then
        return {item.__class}
    return item

--- Inspect the class
function Core.inspect(self)
    return inspect(self, {process = no_meta})

@vyacheslav-nosov thank you for the answer but this solution removes __tostring comments from output

I don't think this will be ever implemented on this library.

May I suggest using this instead:

local inspect = require "inspect"

local function no_meta_with_description(item, path)
  if path[#path] == inspect.METATABLE then
    return { __tostring = item.__tostring }
  return item

local function my_inspect(t)
  return inspect(t, {process = no_meta_with_description})

--- tests:
local person_mt = {
  __tostring = function(t) return "A person named " .. end
-- add 100 fields to person_mt
for i=1,100 do
  person_mt["field" .. tostring(i)] = true

local peter = setmetatable({ name = "peter" }, person_mt)
local john = setmetatable({ name = "john" }, person_mt)


The output will be similar to what you want. Tables will have their __tostring comments. They will still have a metatable field, but it will be very small, with only one field.

{ -- A person named peter
  name = "peter",
  <metatable> = {
    __tostring = <function 1>
{ -- A person named john
  name = "john",
  <metatable> = {
    __tostring = <function 1>

I hope this is an acceptable compromise.

@kikito for all of these "wontfix" it will avoid a lot of confusion if the workarounds you mention, are documented in . Or at least, mark these issues with a tag like wontfix or workaround and link to that issue search from the readme.

@justinmk that is a good point. I don't have a lot of bandwith to do the writing part right now, but send me a PR if you want and I'll review.

I have created the workaround label and applied it to the items you mentioned.