
Bonds not displayed

alexander-schoch-github opened this issue · 3 comments

After compiling

class tikz(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        testobject = ChemObject("-[:30](=[2]O)-[:30]OH")

the resulting image looks like compiled by pure manim:


Works for me though:
Could you show the .tex file, please?

Of course I forgot the minus sign...

corresponding .tex-file:


\DisableLigatures{encoding = *, family = * }


\setchemfig{atom sep = 2em}


I don't see anything wrong with it at a short glance.

Update: After some messing around, I found out that the compilation from .dvi to .svg failed. This issue could be resolved by using \documentclass[preview,dvisvgm]{standalone} in the preamble. Now, the .svg file is generated correctly.

However, afterwards, this .svg file is not inserted into the video/image correctly, as seen here (code below):


This appears to be a general manim problem, though, which is why I opened an issue on 3b1b/manim.

As this problem does not occur in your case, I am assuming that it only happens on linux-based operating systems.

Code for image above:

from manimlib.imports import *

class TikzMobject(TextMobject):
    CONFIG = {
        "stroke_width": 3,
        "fill_opacity": 0,
        "stroke_opacity": 1,

class ExampleTikz(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        circuit = TikzMobject(r"""
                \draw (0,0) -- (1,0);
                \node at (1,0) {sometext};