Project 1


Submit a complete technical report on a project about the Iterated Prisoners’ Dilemma that will be presented during the class.

Implementation Considerations

Reward Table

p1 \ p2 cooperate defect
cooperate 3, 3 0, 5
defect 5, 0 1, 1

Example strategy analysis

  • Three strategies analyzed:
    • ALL-D: always defect, optimizes individual fitness
    • ALL-C: always cooperate, optimizes population fitness
    • RAND: randomly chooses between defect and cooperate
  • Expected scores from this analysis:
playing ALL-C RAND ALL-D Average
ALL-C 3.0 1.5 0.0 1.5
RAND 4.0 2.25 0.5 2.25
ALL-D 5.0 3.0 1.0 3.0

Initial testing on simple agents, small population

- Random//Random Random//Tit For Tat Random//Pavlov Tit For Tat//Tit For Tat Tit For Tat//Pavlov Pavlov//Pavlov
winner Random Random Pavlov TIE TIE TIE
avg A score 22.7 23.9 18.7 30.0 30.0 30.0
avg B score 23.7 21.9 26.2 30.0 30.0 30.0
A/B avg 0.957806 1.091324 0.71374 1.0 1.0 1.0
all identical? False False False True True True

Genetic Algorithms

  • Uses a darwinism model
  • Each entity has a fitness function
  • Each generation selects the most fit individuals to reproduce
  • Each reproduction produces a new generation with some mutations, traits of predecessors MUST be passed on
  • Over time, the population will evolve to be more fit

Genetic Algorithms and the Prisoner's Dilemma

  • Population of 100 individuals
  • Chromosome is a 64-bit string representing the strategy of the individual
  • A bit is a choice depending on cooperate or defect played for a specific configuration of past moves

How do you encode a strategy with a string?

Suppose memory depth is only 1. Then, there are only four choices, based on previous moves:

Memory A B
Case 0 C C
Case 1 D C
Case 2 C D
Case 3 D D

Now, using 3 previous moves, suppose the memory is this:

Memory A B Code
Move 1 C C R
Move 2 D C T
Move 3 C D R

(RTR = 010 = 5) (I don't get this part but we can just use opponent moves probably)

** Bit string must be 2 ** MEMLEN + MEMLEN long; last MEMLEN bits are reserved for the first few moves.

GA’s and PD

  • Fitness: Each player competes against every other for 64 consecutive rounds, and a cumulative score is maintained
  • Selection: Roulette Wheel selection
  • Reproduction: Random point crossover with replacement
  • Mutation rate 0.001
  • Generations: 1,000 generations

Simple Agent Types

  • Tit for tat (TFT)
    • First move, cooperate
    • Always choose opponent's last move as next move
  • Tit for Two Tat (TFT2)
    • First two moves, cooperate
    • If the opponent defects twice in a row, choose defection as the next move
  • Suspicious Tit for Tat (STFT)
    • First move, defect
    • Always choose opponent's last move as next move
  • Free Rider (ALL-D)
    • ALWAYS defect
  • Always Cooperate (ALL-C)
    • Must I say any more

Details Contents

You will form groups of 3 or 4.

Final technical report (6-8 pages) due Feb 28th; make sure to include the following sections

  • Abstract (150-200 words summarizing your work and highlight your findings)
  • Introduction (general overview, motivation, your contribution)
  • Relevant Literature Review
  • Experimental setup and methodology, discussion of your findings
  • Concluding remarks with a brief future work section
  • References
  • Appendix containing all extra materials used