
pre-commit should be pre-commit.js

nsisodiya opened this issue · 10 comments

I am using this package.
in the hook directory, I need to create file name called pre-commit,
my editor display it is a text file.
I am writing js code inside this file. I want this file to be named a pre-commit.js so that syntax highlighting and many other things will work !

All hooks have to be shell scripts (without the .sh ending). But you can call .js files inside a shell script with node.

@nsisodiya thanks for stopping by and contributing to the project with suggestions!

This is a problem related to your setup / workflow, most editors have a command to force the syntax highlighting correctly for mismatching file extensions.

@joh-klein suggestion stands and is a correct approach.

To add more context, the reason why we do not assume that the pre-commit script filename is pre-commit.js is because we do bind you to JavaScript. We want the user to be able to use any language and technology. It could be a C binary or a Python script.

Closing this for now but questions like these are welcome.

Ok, let me propose a solution !!
hooks directory can have multiple pre-commit scripts

and you can execute all files !! that is fair win win situation !!

uhm... @nsisodiya have you seen ? The only reason why I built this is because I didn't know husky was around.

This said, I am thinking about your suggestion. I can probably execute whatever matches /^pre-commit/ regardless of the extension. That's probably a one line change. (reopening and PR welcome)

@nsisodiya landend on dev branch, wanna give it a try ? You can npm install a github branch.

Edit: npm i kilianc/shared-git-hooks#develop

This doesn't work for me. It fails in environments where there is more than one file with the complete hook name as part of its filename. I had previously the following structure:


(commit-msg would just call "node commit-msg.js")

Now, since there are two files with "commit-msg" in the filename, neither is called.

@joh-klein why would you have two scripts in that folder, isn't that confusing? You can use a shebang

Because I have to support some windows users (using git bash) where a shebang (not all at least) is not supported.

I see @joh-klein let me think about it

What about this topic? I have the same issue and would appreciate a solution.