
useTypedRouteLoaderData() type inference not working

andrecasal opened this issue ยท 4 comments

On my root.tsx:

type LoaderData = {
	isLoggedIn: boolean

export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderArgs): Promise<TypedJsonResponse<LoaderData>> => typedjson({ isLoggedIn: await isLoggedIn(request) })

On my navigation:

import { loader as rootLoader } from '~/root'

export const Navigation = () => {
	const { isLoggedIn } = useTypedRouteLoaderData<typeof rootLoader>('root')
	        ^^^^^^^^^^ Property 'isLoggedIn' does not exist on type 'LoaderData | undefined'.
	return <p>This is my header</p>

Am I doing something wrong? ๐Ÿค”

Hmm... I just tried it and saw that the function could return undefined because the routeId may not exist. If you know it will always return a value, then you can add the ! at the end to tell Typescript that you know this has a value.

Hey @kiliman ๐Ÿ‘‹

Ah, thanks for helping me out with this one!

You're importing the loader function as a type: import type { loader as rootLoader } from '~/root';. Wouldn't const { isLoggedIn } = useTypedRouteLoaderData<typeof rootLoader>('root')!; be saying that useTypedRouteLoaderData() is the type of a type (that's meta ๐Ÿ˜„)?

I don't think so. I think the import type simply means we only want the type definition. rootLoader is still a function. I pretty much add it because eslint complains


Wondering why ESLint wasn't complaining like yours, realized ESLint got misconfigured a few commits back ๐Ÿ˜„ hehe

Alright, I'll close this out. Thanks, @kiliman ๐Ÿ‘