
Cleanup and visibility enhancement

sbrossie opened this issue · 5 comments

This task is to track some enhancements we could do on 0.24.x release

Can we simplify the reaper logic to only look at one date


The current logic looks at both processing_available_date and effective_date. We expect the clause processing_available_date <= now to come prior effective_date <= reapingDate, therefore making the later condition the one that drives the reaper.


The current logic is similar except the effective_date for the bus is the created_date.

Note that for inflight queue, processing_owner is null so processing_available_date <= now is never even considered.

=> Based on this, it seems we could remove processing_available_date altogether along with the claim time as this is only used for the reaper and we propose to simplify it.

Can we add some information about processing time?

One challenge here is to define what we want to measure:

  • Time from when entry was fetched as ready to when it moved to history table - this will not represent the true processing time, the larger the batch we fetch the larger the time we would get
  • Real time it took to go through all handlers - harder to measure

Implementing this means we would need a new field in the history table.

Additionally it would be great to add a created_date for the history table to check when this entry was processed (and for instance track whether this was processed late - we would keep the created_date from when entry was inserted.

Can we link REAPED entries - right now, a new entry is inserted with the same event_json, so unless we look for entries with same event_json, we can't really figure out what happened?

Can we provide a mechanism to pause the reaper - e.g as we insert a lot of entries at once such as during a migration, and where default settings don't make sense?

Can we easily export the runtime config for the queue - bus + notification ?