Method to deal with Korean particles?
killerducky opened this issue · 6 comments
@cjeon Previous discussion at: #15
Maybe for sentences that require it we could encode what part of speech is required for each keyword? See the example I made for the new dealin-pov sentence:
"dealin-pov": {
"position": {
"pov": "position-rel-possessive",
"tenpai": "position-rel-object",
"full": "{{thisPosition}} dealin rate while {{tenpaiPosition}} is tenpai",
I couldn't find anything standard for these problems when I searched. Mostly the advice is to translate full sentences together, but that's hard when there are 4*4 = 16 combinations of sentences.
What do you think about this approach?
BTW to test this you need to add &alphaTestMode=1
to the URL, go to a game where someone called Riichi and someone is about to discard into the Riichi. Then hit z
Will be adding the z
shortcut and translation stuff to about section later when I'm happy with the implementation.
I have some other ideas, so fair warning I might change this again. :)
Hmm I think this would work, but I have some thoughts (not necessarily opposing just other thoughts)
- Other languages got much more diverse weird form changes (less weird e.g. is French's gender change I guess) if you continue in this direction I am afraid in future you might have to have something like
or even like{position-rel-possessive-male-singular}
- However, realistically, it's less likely that Mahjong's gonna get world famous and, like, 10+ languages are going to be introduced into this project. so maybe it's okay.
- If I did this at my work I would have done something like below msg.
(my most comfy lang is Kotlin so it's written in Kotlin but please just see the basic idea)
enum class Languages { EN, JP, KR, CN, }
object TranslationManager {
val currentLanguage: Languages = Languages.EN
object KoreanTranslationUtils {
fun CharSequence.종성이_없음(): Boolean = last().code % 28 == 16
fun CharSequence.이가(): String = if (종성이_없음()) "${this}가" else "${this}이"
fun CharSequence.을를(): String = if (종성이_없음()) "${this}를" else "${this}을"
sealed interface TranslationToken<SELF : TranslationToken<SELF>> {
fun translate(data: TranslationData<SELF>): String
sealed interface TranslationData<T: TranslationToken<T>>
// e.g. for translating "RON/TSUMO by hero/shimocha/toimen/kami"
class WinByWhomToken : TranslationToken<WinByWhomToken> {
override fun translate(data: TranslationData<WinByWhomToken>): String {
val data = data as WinByWhomData
return when (TranslationManager.currentLanguage) {
Languages.KR -> {
when (data.winType) {
WinType.RON -> "${PlayerToken.translate(PlayerData(data.winner)).이가()} ${PlayerToken.translate(PlayerData(data.loser)).을를()} 쏘아서 론"
WinType.TSUMO -> "${PlayerToken.translate(PlayerData(data.winner))}의 쯔모"
else -> {
when (data.winType) {
WinType.RON -> "${PlayerToken.translate(PlayerData(data.winner))} rons ${PlayerToken.translate(PlayerData(data.loser))}"
WinType.TSUMO -> "${PlayerToken.translate(PlayerData(data.winner))}'s tsumo."
enum class Player { HERO, SHIMOCHA, TOIMEN, KAMI }
enum class WinType { RON, TSUMO }
data class WinByWhomData(
val winner: Player,
val loser: Player,
val winType: WinType,
) : TranslationData<WinByWhomToken>
data object PlayerToken : TranslationToken<PlayerToken> {
override fun translate(data: TranslationData<PlayerToken>): String {
when (TranslationManager.currentLanguage) {
Languages.KR -> {
return when ((data as PlayerData).player) {
Player.HERO -> "나"
Player.SHIMOCHA -> "하가"
Player.TOIMEN -> "대면"
Player.KAMI -> "상가"
else -> {
return when ((data as PlayerData).player) {
Player.HERO -> "Hero"
Player.SHIMOCHA -> "Shimocha"
Player.TOIMEN -> "Toimen"
Player.KAMI -> "Kami"
data class PlayerData(
val player: Player,
) : TranslationData<PlayerToken>
Thanks for your feedback. I'm thinking to try to simplify things some by moving away from full sentences and doing something more like:
English Old:
{{thisPosition}}'s dealin rate while {{tenpaiPosition}} is tenpai
English New:
Pusher: {{thisPosition}}
Tenpai: {{tenpaiPosition}}
Maybe that would reduce the amount of particles and/or verb conjugations needed in other languages.
I'm close to finishing up this set of new features for showing dealin rates. After I get it done and before I make a release I'll try to also refactor the i18n stuff related to it.
Ok I got rid of the dealin-pov
idea, and changed the full sentence to the method in the previous post. I hope this will let us keep things simple.
So this is ready for translation now.
I'll translate them soon and let you know. Thank you for your effort !