
API wrapping the CoEngine game engine

Primary LanguageRuby


API wrapper for the Co-Engine gem.

Creating a user

POST '/register', { name: <user name>, password: <user password> }

Request a auth-token

The auth token is used for user authentication throughout the system.

POST '/signin', { name: <user name>, password: <user password> }

The respose body will contain a JSON encoded auth token. The auth-token is valid for up to 4 hours.

  'status' => 'success',
  'auth_token' => '<auth token>'

Once obtained the auth token needs to be passed with each request. It can be passed as either a "auth_token" query param or a "AUTH_TOKEN" header

Creating a game

Game creation takes an optional player field which specifies the number of players spots in the game - defaults to 4.

All of the following requests will result in a new game being created.

POST '/games', { players: <player count>, auth_token: <auth_token> }

The response object contains the following key pieces of information:

  • Game ID - required when making game moves in the future.
  • Game Data - game view for the current player.
  • Actions - list of actions the current player can undertake.

Player statistics

Get a summary of games being played, games won and games lost of the current player.

GET '/games', { auth_token: <auth_token> }

The response object has the following JSON format:

  "playing" => 1,
  "won" => 3,
  "lost" => 2,
  "waiting_for_players" => 1,
  "can_be_joined" => 12

Players games by state

Get a list of game the current player is in or can join.

GET '/games/<state>', { auth_token: <auth_token> }

Where state is one of:

playing, won, lost, waiting_for_players or can_be_joined.

The response object has the following JSON format:

  <state> => [
    { "uuid" => "ABCD..", "max_players" => 4, "players" => [ "David", "Fred", "John" ], "winner" => nil },

Players game

To get the exact state for a specific game simply request by it's UUID:

GET '/games/<uuid>', { auth_token: <auth_token> }

The response object has the following JSON format:

  "uuid": <uuid>,
  "game": <Hash detailing full game view from players perspective>,
  "actions" <Array of actions that can be performed by the current user> 

Performing an action

Send the action to be performed to the CoEngine

The request should be in the format:

GET '/games/<state>', { auth_token: <auth_token>, perform: <action to be performed>, args: <optional args to be passed with the action> }

The below table list action and required args for each.

Game State Action Args
WaitingForPlayers Join
InitialTileSelection pick_tile tile_index
InitialTileSelection move_tile tile_position
InitialTileSelection finalize_hand
TileSelection pick_tile tile_index
GuessTile guess player, tile_position, color, value
FinaliseTurnOrGuessAgain guess player, tile_position, color, value
FinaliseTurnOrGuessAgain move_tile tile_position
FinaliseTurnOrGuessAgain finalize_hand
FinaliseTurn move_tile tile_position
FinaliseTurn finalize_hand


finalize_hand only appears as an action for InitialTileSelection once the user has selected the required amount of tiles

Action arguements

  • pick_tile->tile_index: refers to the position of the tile on the game board, each tile is assigned an initial position which does not chnage.
  • move_tile->tile_position: tile movement is achieved by repeatedly swapping the position of any two tiles (assuming they can be swapped). The tile_position is the lower index of the tile you want to swap.
  • guess->player: this is the name of the player whose hand you want to pick a tile from.