Please tag and release a new version
Closed this issue · 1 comments
I am trying to get termrec into Homebrew so that it can easily be installed on a Mac.
The latest tagged version, 0.16, which is 5 years old, does not compile on my Mac OS X Mavericks, whereas the latest version from master works fine.
However, Homebrew's core repository does not allow formulas with only HEAD version; a stable version must be provided. Could you release a new version with the the latest code that can be compiled in Mac OS X, so that it can be included in Homebrew?
I'm afraid I hardly had the time to work on termrec, right. At least it's not completely dead -- there was a bunch of commits in Jan 2013, Dec 2013, Jan 2014 and I just pushed a few extra ones. Still, there's a lot of improvements that badly need to be done, there's just not enough tuits.
I tagged 0.17 to get portability and bitrot fixes out. If I screwed something, please shout.