
Missed import class for self one to one relation with separateRelationFields

Antoxa1081 opened this issue · 0 comments

Expected Behavior


import { Post } from './post';
import { User } from './user';
import { Tag } from './tag';
import { ApiProperty, ApiPropertyOptional } from '@nestjs/swagger';
import { Comment } from './comment';

export class CommentRelations {
  @ApiProperty({ type: () => Post })
  post: Post;

  @ApiProperty({ type: () => User })
  user: User;

  @ApiPropertyOptional({ type: () => Comment })
  replyTo?: Comment;

  @ApiProperty({ isArray: true, type: () => Comment })
  replyComments: Comment[];

  @ApiProperty({ isArray: true, type: () => Tag })
  tags: Tag[];

  @ApiProperty({ isArray: true, type: () => User })
  likedUsers: User[];

  @ApiProperty({ isArray: true, type: () => User })
  mentionedUsers: User[];

Actual Behavior


import { Post } from './post';
import { User } from './user';
import { Tag } from './tag';
import { ApiProperty, ApiPropertyOptional } from '@nestjs/swagger';

export class CommentRelations {
  @ApiProperty({ type: () => Post })
  post: Post;

  @ApiProperty({ type: () => User })
  user: User;

  @ApiPropertyOptional({ type: () => Comment })
  replyTo?: Comment;

  @ApiProperty({ isArray: true, type: () => Comment })
  replyComments: Comment[];

  @ApiProperty({ isArray: true, type: () => Tag })
  tags: Tag[];

  @ApiProperty({ isArray: true, type: () => User })
  likedUsers: User[];

  @ApiProperty({ isArray: true, type: () => User })
  mentionedUsers: User[];

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

 generator prismaClassGenerator {
  provider               = "prisma-class-generator"
  output                 = "../src/prisma/prisma-class"
  dryRun                 = false
  separateRelationFields = true
model Comment {
  id             Int       @id @default(autoincrement())
  postId         Int
  post           Post      @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id])
  userId         Int
  user           User      @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
  replyToId      Int?
  replyTo        Comment?  @relation(fields: [replyToId], references: [id], name: "_ReplyComments")
  replyComments  Comment[] @relation(name: "_ReplyComments")
  message        String
  tags           Tag[]
  likedUsers     User[]    @relation(name: "_CommentsLikedUsers")
  mentionedUsers User[]    @relation(name: "_CommentsMentionedUsers")
  createdAt      DateTime  @default(now())
  updatedAt      DateTime  @default(now()) @updatedAt

Missed import class Comment in comment_relations.ts file for self one to one relation with separateRelationFields param


  • Version: 0.2.6
  • Prisma Version: 4.15.0
  • Platform: windows