
.deb packages provided cannot install on Ubuntu 20.04

jimsalterjrs opened this issue · 3 comments

I tried using the provided .deb packages on an Ubuntu 20.04 server; neither the 0.13.0 nor 0.12.11 packages could be installed due to version conflict with libc.

dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of httm:
 httm depends on libc6 (>= 2.34); however:
  Version of libc6:amd64 on system is 2.31-0ubuntu9.9.

When built directly from the packaged source, 0.12.11 worked fine; the method I used was downloading the source from the 0.12.11 release, apt install cargo, then cargo deb followed by dpkg -i on the freshly built local package.

Yes, this again seems to be an issue related to me trying to keep things simple for me. Perhaps too simple. See my comment re: CI/CD in your other issue. Note, your issue is related to: #17 , and is mentioned in the README as well:

I build against the latest LTS Ubuntu (that is -- 22.04) and MacOS, and the latest stable Rust. Even without CI/CD or GH actions, maybe the answer is to just build using the previous version of Ubuntu in a container, and a moderately lower Rust MSV (1.59 seems to be the default for all Ubuntu) everywhere. It may even be time to consider using the musl toolchain to build if that provides a more stable platform.

Thanks! Lots of food for thought about how best to address. I'm going to spend some time with it and think about best paths forward.

The first question that leaps to mind for me is whether the newer libc is really necessary, or whether the deb simply is a bit too picky about the dependency version.

Just relaxing the version necessary to satisfy the stated dependency might be all that's necessary, if rust/httm doesn't genuinely require some new feature not present in the slightly older libc in 20.04.

I'm closing these both, as I'm now using a GH action to build both Redhat and Debian packages on Ubuntu 18.04. Should work on most distros now.


Feel free to reopen if you you think additional comments are necessary. Thanks Jim!