Add progress bars to Word Count Goals
kinabalu opened this issue · 2 comments
The option to set daily word count and/or a total word count would be really motivating to keep me writing. I say and/or because I may not have a total word count that I want to hit but do have a daily word count, while others might have the inverse.
I'd love to see a feature similar to mywriteclub for the side panel where stars are placed once you reach a certain word count:
Hopefully it could be configurable how many words show a star. I just think it's really motivating to see that you've hit a certain amount of words rather than just how many words you have left to go. It also doesn't have to be a star, the progress bar changing colors might be able to give off the same effect.
I also think Eleanor's suggestion with writemonkey and the little rectangle showing if you've reached your word count goal or exceeded it is also a fun idea:
Originally posted by @SlRvb in #13 (comment)
seconding this! not too familiar with creating obsidian plugins but happy to try my hand at it as well, this would be incredibly useful