
Soundness bug with subrange types

xaaronc opened this issue · 3 comments

With the following Lustre program:

type T = subrange [0,1] of int;

function B(x: T) returns (y: T)
    y = x;

function A(x: int) returns (y, z: T)
    y = x;
    z = B(y);

kind2 correctly identifies the bounds violation in the y = x assignment when using --slice_nodes true:

$ kind2 --slice_nodes true foo.lus
<Failure> Property y.bound is invalid by property directed reachability for k=0 after 0.051s.

but with --slice_nodes false, it succeeds erroneously:

$ kind2 --slice_nodes false foo.lus 
<Success> Property y.bound is valid by property directed reachability after 0.060s.

Version kind2 36140a5a

I’ve been able to reproduce this bug with the default setting for --slice_nodes, though so far haven’t been able to produce a small example input.

Found a simple reproducer:

type U = subrange [0,2] of int;
type T = subrange [-1,1] of int;

node A(x: U) returns (y: U)
    y = x;

node B(x: T) returns (z: T; y: U)
    y = x;
    z = A(y);
$ kind2 foo2.lus
<Success> Property z.bound is valid by property directed reachability after 0.050s.
<Success> Property y.bound is valid by property directed reachability after 0.050s.

Hi Aaron,

Thank you for reporting this bug and providing the small reproducer. It seems the current mechanism for checking subrange bounds is broken. I will review it and make the appropriate changes to fix it, but it will take some time. I'll keep you posted.
