
variable not in scope when running

Opened this issue · 2 comments

code generated :

   d1 $ 
      every 1 (((|=| delay "0.1 0.5") . (|=| delaytime "0.1 0.001") . (|=| delayfeedback "0.9"))) $
      every 1 (trunc (3/8)) $
      whenmod 5 3 (slow 1.5) $
      whenmod 5 2 (degrade) $
      every 6 (0.25 <~) $
      slow 2 $ s "sn*8 bd*8 hh*8  "
      |=| n (every 1 (palindrome) $ every 3 (rev) $ "3 1 0 0 5 8 6 2 11 0 11")
      |=| cut "1 -1"

error message :

* Variable not in scope: (|=|) :: t0 -> ControlPattern -> t
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude),
        `|%|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context),
        `|*|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context)

    * Variable not in scope:
        (|=|) :: Pattern ControlMap -> ControlPattern -> Pattern ControlMap
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude),
        `|%|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context),
        `|*|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context)

    * Variable not in scope: (|=|) :: IO () -> ControlPattern -> t0
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude),
        `|%|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context),
        `|*|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context)

    * Variable not in scope: (|=|) :: t0 -> ControlPattern -> t
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude),
        `|%|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context),
        `|*|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context)

    * Variable not in scope:
        (|=|) :: Pattern ControlMap -> ControlPattern -> Pattern ControlMap
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude),
        `|%|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context),
        `|*|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context)

    * Variable not in scope: (|=|) :: IO () -> ControlPattern -> t0
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude),
        `|%|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context),
        `|*|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context)

    * Variable not in scope: (|=|) :: t0 -> ControlPattern -> t
    * Perhaps you meant one of these:
        `||' (imported from Prelude),
        `|%|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context),
        `|*|' (imported from Sound.Tidal.Context)

This is a brilliant package; it adds so much to TidalCycles. The issues described here are due to the fact that some of the syntax is out of date. I had a look at the 5 files in the Tracery folder and corrected the syntax. Just overwrite the files in the Tracery folder (.../Users/(UserName)/.atom/packages/tidal-autocode/tracery) with the files in the attached .zip.

I was able to get this working by downloading the package through atom and then overwriting the tracery_folder with @ErikOostveen files. When i tried to just pull the repo I was getting "Error: Cannot find module 'tracery-grammar'"