kin backup page has text which is cut off in iOS 13 (okay in iOS 12)
rorymc opened this issue · 3 comments
my misunderstanding -- turns out this already existed as a bug in the old iOS library, so this is not new.
That being said, would be nice if the iOS users could read the text while creating a backup QR code.
Thanks for letting us know. You are right that this is an existing issue from the old sdk.
It's an issue with presenting the backup flow modally onto a view controller. There's a major change in how modal presentation works on iOS 13 that the old sdk didn't account for.
// This is probably the call you're using to present it modally.
func backup(_ kinAccount: KinAccount, presentedOnto viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool
We will address this issue in the MS2 release timeframe. In the meantime, if pushing onto a navigation controller makes sense in your UI flow, you can use this method instead:
func backup(_ kinAccount: KinAccount, pushedOnto navigationController: UINavigationController) -> Bool
base-compat will be deprecated, but will be providing functionality in the future for use with kin-base