
PHP 7.3.27 It does not redirect after successfull payment

kashyap2468 opened this issue · 4 comments

Here is the request of my Laravel app
{"PBFPubKey":"FLWPUBK_TEST-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx","amount":"1000","country":"NG","currency":"USD","custom_description":"Document Order","custom_logo":"LOGOURL","custom_title":"RAR","customer_email":"","customer_firstname":"Rajesh","customer_lastname":"Jain","customer_phone":"XXXXXXXXXX","pay_button_text":null,"payment_method":"both","redirect_url":"http://localhost/rar/public/rave/callback","txref":"rave_6076dbd8364f9","data-integrity_hash":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","meta":[]}')

It does work perfact for payments After entering test OTP 12345
It should redirect to the Rave/Callback URL but it does not redirect to callback URL in order to store the payment response
Here is the link to the Video of issue appearing
Can please guide what can be the cause

same issue here :(

Sorry about this, having a hard time recreating it

You can look at video its happening
Also there is one more problem
When i checked code on server its shows "Invalid public key passed"
but it work fine on local environment

i have this resolved this issue by upgrade v2 to latest v4.2 version