
PARSE ERROR: Argument: -k (--klen) Couldn't read argument value from string

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I was using the following index command to run sailfish. It worked before but not working anymore after installing the new version. Any suggestion would be very useful. Thanks!

$ sailfish index -t file.fasta -o sf -k 25

"Version Info: This is the most recent version of Sailfish
writing log to sf/logs/sailfish_index.log
RapMap Indexer
PARSE ERROR: Argument: -k (--klen)
Couldn't read argument value from string 'sf'

Brief USAGE:
foo [-n] [-k <positive integer less than 32>] -i -t [--]
[--version] [-h]

For complete USAGE and HELP type:
foo --help"

$ sailfish -h

"Allowed Options:
-v [ --version ] print version string
--no-version-check don't check with the server to see if this is the
latest version
-h [ --help ] produce help message

Sailfish v0.9.2

Please invoke sailfish with one of the following commands {index, quant, sf}.
For more information on the options for theses particular methods, use the -h
flag along with the method name. For example:

sailfish index -h

will give you detailed help information about the index command."