
Terminate X server

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Look at this and give a setting for terminating x server using localectl.

ctrl+alt+backspace is an option. I shall implement soon

Did you implement this?

Haven't, I am not sure whether to put it in ~/.xinitrc as it may not work for those who set xinitrc in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc and it may interfere with other distribution as well, so I need to think of other method to setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp without using xinitrc such as using xmodmap or so on.

Cron jobs.

Cron jobs.

Based on my few years of experience on Linux. Using cron on something that need to be done once is a bit not appropriate but we should use alternative method such as shell login, x login, systemd deamon or a run it during boot.

Systemd is a good choice too..

Yeah, use systemd on boot by creating a systemd unit file but currently I have no idea how although I read the arch wiki about systemd.