A sample application using apx mvc library - https://github.com/othreecodes/APX
- This is a demo using apx library to create a beautiful desktop app. It follows the MVC standard of creating javafx projects.
- This also includes a sample of how to use ORMlite to access sqlite database. (Querying and Creating)
- Clone the Repo
- Download APX library from Here For your corresponding Operating System
- Add apx.jar to the projects classpath (importing the library to the project)
Edit the project.apxprop
"name": "apxdemo",
"package": "com.root.apxdemo",
"location": "/root/apxdemo/",
"src": "/root/apxdemo/src/",
"work": "/root/apxdemo/src/com/root/apxdemo/"
edit the location, and work to match location of the project on your system. It might get a bit tricky changing package names of all source files even if you just copy the src files to your own project. Thats why this is a "DEMO"
I Hope Someone finds this demo helpful while creating an apx project.