
A sample application using apx mvc library - https://github.com/othreecodes/APX

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A sample application using apx mvc library - https://github.com/othreecodes/APX

What is This

  • This is a demo using apx library to create a beautiful desktop app. It follows the MVC standard of creating javafx projects.
  • This also includes a sample of how to use ORMlite to access sqlite database. (Querying and Creating)

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repo
  2. Download APX library from Here For your corresponding Operating System
  3. Add apx.jar to the projects classpath (importing the library to the project)

Using as a Starter Project

Edit the project.apxprop

"name": "apxdemo",
"package": "com.root.apxdemo",
"location": "/root/apxdemo/",
"src": "/root/apxdemo/src/",
"work": "/root/apxdemo/src/com/root/apxdemo/"

edit the location, and work to match location of the project on your system. It might get a bit tricky changing package names of all source files even if you just copy the src files to your own project. Thats why this is a "DEMO"





I Hope Someone finds this demo helpful while creating an apx project.