
Primary LanguageTypeScript

News App

This is a React Native app that displays news articles fetched from the NewsAPI. The app features a swipeable card interface, allowing users to swipe to load the next article.

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/your-repo/news-app.git

  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd news-app

  3. Install dependencies: npm install

Running the App

  1. Start the Metro bundler: npm start

  2. Run the app on your preferred platform:

  • For Android: npm run android

  • For iOS: npm run ios

Add API key in index.ts in Constants folder to fetch News

App Architecture

The app is built using React Native and follows a modular architecture. Here's an overview of the main components:

  1. NewsFeed.tsx: This is the main component that handles data fetching using the SWR library and the fetcher function. It renders the NewsCard component with the current article data and handles the swipe gesture using the SwipeButton component.

  2. NewsCard.tsx: This component displays the details of a news article, including the image, title, source, and description.

  3. SwipeButton.tsx: This component provides a swipeable button with an animated gradient and swipe gesture handling using React Native Reanimated.

  4. fetcher.ts: This file contains the fetcher function, which is a custom fetcher used with SWR to fetch news articles from the NewsAPI.

  5. index.ts: This file exports the API key and the API URL for fetching news articles.


  • axios: Used for making HTTP requests to the NewsAPI.
  • react-native-fast-image: A high-performance image component for React Native.
  • react-native-gesture-handler: Provides a native-driven gesture system for building better touch-based experiences.
  • react-native-linear-gradient: A React Native library for creating linear gradients.
  • react-native-reanimated: A React Native library for creating fluid animations.
  • swr: A React Hooks library for data fetching, caching, and revalidation.