
TestCaseDB - Web based test case management

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


TestCaseDB is a test case management application built on Ruby on Rails.

More details can be found at http://www.testcasedb.com/ and in the manual.

Development Install

TestCaseDB was built on Ruby 1.9.3.

To get your system up and running run the install script 'script/setup'.

You can now start the server with 'rails s' and login with the user admin/ChangeMe.

To add demo data to your system run 'rake install:demo'.

To add a larger data set run 'rake install:largedemo'.

Production Install

Detailed install instructions are available in the documentation and in the doc folder. Download the latest guide at http://www.testcasedb.com/download.php.

Enable Google OAuth

To utilize Google's OAuth you need to follow a few steps.

  1. Create a new app in Google's Developer Console
  1. Open the new project

  2. Under credentials, click Create new Client ID

  • Fill in the required fields.
  • For the Redirect URI set it to /auth/google_oauth2/callback
  • Set javascript origins to
  • Copy the Client ID and secret
  1. On APIs tab, enable the following APIs
  • Contacts API
  • Google+ API
  1. Login to TCDB as an admin and open the settings page
  • Enable Google OAuth
  • Set the Google client id and secrets
  1. Restart your server
  • If you're using Passenger, simply add the file restart.txt to <application_location>/tmp/
  • Otherwise, you can restart your webserver

** Notes **

  • New users will not be automatically created. You must create them in TCDB first.
  • The first time a user logs in with Google, if their google email matches the email address on their TCDB account, they will be linked automatically.