
Receiving UnmatchedCharacterError for simple vash helper

Closed this issue · 4 comments

    vash.helpers.earnings = function (e) {
        e = e || 0;
        return Math.round(e * 100) / 100;

gives me this error:

UnmatchedCharacterError: Unmatched FORWARD_SLASH at line 4, character 24. Value: /
 | +BLOCK 
 | | [NEWLINE (2,38): ]
 | | [IDENTIFIER (3,0): e]
 | | [WHITESPACE (3,1):  ]
 | | [ASSIGN_OPERATOR (3,2): =]
 | | [WHITESPACE (3,3):  ]
 | | [IDENTIFIER (3,4): e]
 | | [WHITESPACE (3,5):  ]
 | | [LOGICAL (3,6): ||]
 | | [WHITESPACE (3,8):  ]
 | | [NUMERIC_CONTENT (3,9): 0]
 | | [CONTENT (3,10): ;]
 | | [NEWLINE (3,11): ]
 | | [IDENTIFIER (4,0): e]
 | | [WHITESPACE (4,1):  ]
 | | [ASSIGN_OPERATOR (4,2): =]
 | | [WHITESPACE (4,3):  ]
 | | [IDENTIFIER (4,4): Math]
 | | [PERIOD (4,8): .]
 | | [IDENTIFIER (4,9): round]
 | | [PAREN_OPEN (4,14): (]
 | | +BLOCK 
 | | | [IDENTIFIER (4,15): e]
 | | | [WHITESPACE (4,16):  ]
 | | | [OPERATOR (4,17): *]
 | | | [WHITESPACE (4,18):  ]
 | | | [NUMERIC_CONTENT (4,19): 100]
 | | -BLOCK 
 | | [PAREN_CLOSE (4,22): )]
 | | [WHITESPACE (4,23):  ]
 | -BLOCK 
    at Object.VParser.advanceUntilMatched (/home/luca/Documents/projects/nodejsapp/node_modules/vash/build/vash.js:629:44)
    at Object.VParser.handleBLK (/home/luca/Documents/projects/nodejsapp/node_modules/vash/build/vash.js:861:23)
    at Object.VParser.parse (/home/luca/Documents/projects/nodejsapp/node_modules/vash/build/vash.js:538:10)
    at Object.VParser.subParse (/home/luca/Documents/projects/nodejsapp/node_modules/vash/build/vash.js:659:13)
    at Object.VParser.handleBLK (/home/luca/Documents/projects/nodejsapp/node_modules/vash/build/vash.js:891:10)
    at Object.VParser.parse (/home/luca/Documents/projects/nodejsapp/node_modules/vash/build/vash.js:538:10)
    at Object.VParser.subParse (/home/luca/Documents/projects/nodejsapp/node_modules/vash/build/vash.js:659:13)
    at Object.VParser.handleBLK (/home/luca/Documents/projects/nodejsapp/node_modules/vash/build/vash.js:891:10)
    at Object.VParser.parse (/home/luca/Documents/projects/nodejsapp/node_modules/vash/build/vash.js:538:10)
    at Object.compile (/home/luca/Documents/projects/nodejsapp/node_modules/vash/build/vash.js:1319:4)
    at Object.vash.loadFile (/home/luca/Documents/projects/nodejsapp/node_modules/vash/build/vash.js:2068:12)
    at View.vash.renderFile [as engine]

When removing / 100 it's working. I'm using v0.11.1 from NPM.

@steebchen sorry for the delay on this, a fix is inbound, hopefully (regex parsing is... tricky). Somewhat related, the output you pasted above is definitely not from vash 0.11, more like 0.7.x. Could you ensure you update your vash dependency as well?

@steebchen ok, should be fixed in v0.11.2! Please reopen if it's not, and thanks!

I am using vash@0.12.1 but this is still throwing an error.

While this is working

function round(i) {
    var val = Math.round(i * roundDiff)
    return val / roundDiff

the following

function round(i) {
    return Math.round(i * roundDiff) / roundDiff

throws this:

SyntaxError: Problem while rendering template at line 8, character 0.
Original message: Problem while compiling template at line 0, character 0.
Original message: Unexpected token ILLEGAL.
[thousand lines of code]

   at Function (native)
   at ([cut]/node_modules/vash/runtime.js:308:26)
   at Object.exports.compile ([cut]/node_modules/vash/index.js:73:21)
   at Object.vash.loadFile ([cut]/node_modules/vash/lib/helpers/layout.js:66:14)
   at Helpers.helpers.include ([cut]/node_modules/vash/lib/helpers/layout.js:230:8)
   at eval (eval at <anonymous> ([cut]/node_modules/vash/runtime.js:308:26), <anonymous>:91:33)
   at Helpers.helpers.block ([cut]/node_modules/vash/lib/helpers/layout.js:253:5)
   at eval (eval at <anonymous> ([cut]/node_modules/vash/runtime.js:308:26), <anonymous>:61:33)
   at [cut]/node_modules/vash/lib/helpers/layout.js:197:5
   at Object.vash.loadFile ([cut]/node_modules/vash/lib/helpers/layout.js:68:11)
   at Helpers.helpers.extend ([cut]/node_modules/vash/lib/helpers/layout.js:188:8)
   at eval (eval at <anonymous> ([cut]/node_modules/vash/runtime.js:308:26), <anonymous>:10:33)
   at linked ([cut]/node_modules/vash/runtime.js:348:14)
   at [cut]/node_modules/vash/lib/helpers/layout.js:80:22
   at Object.vash.loadFile ([cut]/node_modules/vash/lib/helpers/layout.js:68:11)
   at View.vash.renderFile.vash.__express [as engine] ([cut]/node_modules/vash/lib/helpers/layout.js:76:8)
   at View.render ([cut]/node_modules/express/lib/view.js:126:8)
   at tryRender ([cut]/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:639:10)
   at EventEmitter.render ([cut]/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:591:3)
   at ServerResponse.render ([cut]/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:960:7)
   at [cut]/app.js:101:6
   at Layer.handle [as handle_request] ([cut]/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
   at next ([cut]/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:131:13)
   at [cut]/app.js:96:3
   at [cut]/node_modules/mongoose/lib/query.js:2257:18
   at process._tickDomainCallback (node.js:438:9)

should be fixed in 0.12.2!