
Feature request: persistent multiplier

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Is there a chance that the "persistent multiplier" condition from the official Simcraft could be supported?

What it does is help with DoT snapshotting by making sure higher buffed DoTs overwrite lower buffed ones but not the other way around.

Basically it's a value that gets stored when the DoT is applied and it takes into account attackpower and certain damage multiplier buffs.

This would be very useful for classes like Outlaw, Feral because overwriting a strong DoT with a weak one is a huge DPS loss.

Ovale Spell Priority ( already has this implemented in conditions.lua so maybe that would save some time.

I know you (kirk) are short on time but if I don't ask for it there's almost zero chance of getting help. I really appreciate the work you are doing.


sorry, I'm currently pretty busy with Keymoon, I'll let this open and maybe I'll come to it, but it will take time.

As far as I can see this will only benefit feral druids rake and only when using Savage Roar, Bloodtalons or Tigers Fury.

So basically it would suffice to add a bleed tracker for druids...I'll thiunk about it, but it will take some time.