
todo command line to track todo list

Primary LanguagePython

What is it?

- td is an acronym for TODO that aims to provide a way using just
  command line for keep a track of activities/todo things.


Usage: td [-h] [-a] [-d DESC] [-S {created,started,finished,paused,canceled}]
          [-s START] [-e END] [-D] [-i ID] [-p {normal,medium,high}] [--debug]
          [-v] [--getd] [--up-status] [--up-end] [--up-priority]
      	  [--up-description] [--list | -ls | -le | -lp | -lS]

'td' is acronym for TODO a simple way to track todo things/list

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --add             adds a todo into list
  -d DESC, --desc DESC  sets a description
  -S {started,finished,paused,canceled}, --status {started,finished,paused,canceled}
                        sets todo status
  -s START, --start START
                        sets a start date
  -e END, --end END     sets a end date=d/m/y format
  -D, --delete          delete a give todo by id
  -i ID, --id ID        pass a id to other options
  -p {normal,medium,high}, --priority {normal,medium,high}
                        sets a priority
  --debug               provides debug info
  -v, --version         provies current version
  --getd                get full description of todo by id
  --up-status           update status given a id
  --up-end              update end date given a id
  --up-priority         update priority given a id
  --up-description      update description given a id
  --list                list everything todo by id
  -ls, --lstart         list by start date
  -le, --lend           list by end date
  -lp, --lprio          list by priority
  -lS, --lstatus        list by status


- sqlite3


- make prepare
- sudo make install