
hi kishor

janarth20 opened this issue · 6 comments

hi bro.
i jst download the admin panel source code.
thanks for it.

Jst wana ask. How do I add sub menu for the side menu?

hi @janarth20 you can use ( for your submenu. Thanks

@Syedwaheed hi bro. Thanks for the info. Appreciate it alot

@janarth20 no problem i was doing the same and there was no one to tell me about this. Suddenly i came across the template. Glad to hear that you find it.

@Syedwaheed thanks bro.
One more thing would like to ask. Hope u dont mind.
About validation in adding new user.
Msg "Email alredy taken" Actually how does it works?
Can u explain me if possible

@janarth20 : Code is here in the model application/models/User_model.php.

function checkEmailExists($email, $userId = 0)
        $this->db->where("email", $email);   
        $this->db->where("isDeleted", 0);
        if($userId != 0){
            $this->db->where("userId !=", $userId);
        $query = $this->db->get();
        return $query->result();

This code checks that the email is already exists in database or not. Once the record found, it returns Email already taken.

Actually my browser cache prob. Now settle. Anyway thanks bro